Andy Warhol's photos create the event at the Italian Gallery in the 1st

Expo Andy Warhol

Snapshots of Basquiat … naked, stitched photographs of erect sex and works of the king of pop art never seen before. Parisians in search of arty events will rejoice: the Galerie Italienne welcomes the most glamorous, fresh and coveted event of the cultural season by inaugurating the largest photo exhibition of Andy Warhol ever presented in France in a private gallery.

Located just in front of the Bourse du Commerce rue de Louvre, the opening of the photo show was originally planned in conjunction with the inauguration of the Pinault Collection postponed, Covid obliges.

Rare treasures of pop art

True treasures, these various series of rare Photobooths and iconic Warhol pola were provided by James Hedges , owner of the artist's largest collection and traces all his photo work, starting with his incredible montages for Harper's Bazaar .

Ultimately visionary, we also see an Instagram-inspired ancestor with his spontaneous shots of stars and personalities such as Bella Jones , Jerry Hall , Paloma Picasso , Jean Paul Gaultier and the whole jet-set shot at parties and social events ...

Exhibition curator Michel Nuridsany explains: “ With his compact 35mm Minox, he photographs Lee Radziwill, Gianni Agnelli as if they were bananas or shoes, evens out everything, objectifies everything. He says: I don't believe in art, I believe in photography. "

Stitched photographs and erotic hanging

True curiosity, one discovers among others his stitched photographs , last signature creations of Warhol , presented a few days before his death in 1987. The singularity of his images? 4 black and white photo prints stitched together.

Hot, hot, hot! But the highlight of the show hidden in the basement and a must-see is the erotic hanging of little-known works by Andy Warhol , such as the films of his protégé and friend Jean-Michel Basquiat naked, eyes hidden in his bedroom or the sexes in erection in very, very close-up.

Snapshots: Andy Warhol until April 10 at the Galerie Italienne . Free entry from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Also discover 3 terraces to privatize with the first rays of sun and the best exhibitions of the season .

© 2020 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts,

Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Photo courtesy of Jack Shainman Gallery and Hedges Projects

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