Comment Allons Nous Sauver Le Monde Avec Les Plantes

At the time of confinement, it goes without saying that the book is essential to well-being . That it is precisely, with the nature and plants , a necessary condition for happiness and peace of mind in order to be able to face all the battles that await us.

It is precisely the idea of this small bubble of reflection and good humor that we have decided to distill you.

A book that makes you smarter

To face the pandemic , confinement and the nightmare of confinement, we have found the smart book you will need to refocus with humor and poetry while facing the long winter evenings.

How are we going to save the world with plants? It is all the questioning at the same time funny, practical and metaphysical of Sidney Vollmer which assumes that, until now, the application “ biological life ” had not been registered in its hard disk.

This intellectual is the contemporary author of digital thought . Geek and trendy philosophers swear by his essays, like ON / OFF: In Search of Balance in Digital Times .

The book we offer you here is not a headache but a cool reflection of a freethinker both sharp and ultra-easy to read. What if we let go of our screens and hashtags for 5 minutes to take a closer look at succulents or plant apple trees and then better share their profits on Snap or Insta ?

No need to order it on the platforms. This green book, we offer it to you. Better yet, you can find it and read it dare-dare and for free by clicking now! #ThanksPlants

Plants save the world

Did you know that ferns already existed in the days of dinosaurs? Do you know the neurobiology of plants?

“' Very good ,' you will say to me, an experienced plant lover. I want to share my passion for plants with more people around me, but what concrete benefit will my athletics club get from it? What about my co-workers? What about that person standing in line in front of me at the supermarket checkout? ”Laughs Sidney Vollmer .

A track ? “For example, a study by the Indian Institute of Management in Kozhikode found that houseplants in private living rooms and at service providers (eg hotels and restaurants) help people relax and recover. mental health. ” We let you read the rest!

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