The menu this year !

The menu  this year !

Drum rolls! There always is a starter, main course and dessert. Since he’s our consultant chef, it’s Pierre Gagnaire who concocts the menu menu.

Pressé de tourteau à la clémentine

avocat et duxelles de champignons


Blanquette de veau au gingembre

oignons grelots, mangue jaune

et pois gourmands


Le Paley des César

In the 80’s, the staff tells us there were still tiered mounted cakes presented in middle of the restaurant for dessert. They featured the names of the persons who received awards during the evening at the Châtelet. At the time, a collaborator was sent to the Châtelet and called in by phone the names of the winners. Time has gone by... Now it’s dessert on a plate that is presented.

The week of Do It