A couture can labeled Chantal Thomass

La Canette Couture Griffee Chantal Thomass

After Karl Lagerfeld, Jean Paul Gaultier and more recently Marc Jacobs, it’s now the turn of Chantal Thomass to sign a coolab’ (contraction between cool & collaboration) with the absolutely indispensable drink of Parisiennes, I have name Coca-Cola light.

The 33cl can takes on a delicate and sexy attitude through the mischievous touch of the famous designer for couture undies.

Lace and heart-shaped satin bow, a wink to cleverly suggestive creations by the one who created a revolution in the lingerie world.

We like: sipping the can while waiting for the aluminum bottle planned for April.

33cl can available in large and small supermarkets end of January 2014

Suggested price of sale between 0,50€ & 1,50€

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