5 golden rules to win followers on Instagram

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You don’t beef up your Instagram account by just snapping your fingers. All the influencers will tell you, likes is their job. In Read this if you want to be Instagram famous 50 international Instagramers share their advice to make the best of the social network. Chosen excerpts.

Find your «”niche”»

You want to attract followers? Stand out from the crowd! Your account must not be a huge stuff-it-all, don’t mix everything. Concentrate on a very precise thematic: fashion/food/beauty/art/cars/knitting… An original and trendy feed sera will be considered “the” reference to follow.


The good examples ? @symmetrybreakfast , the account of Michael Zee is dedicated to perfectly symmetric breakfasts he prepares for himself and his companion.

@desserted_in_paris Tal Spiegel takes a photo of pastries and only pastries. The shot angle is always the same, from the top with his matching shoes in the line of fire.


The harmony of your account is mandatory. Define your aesthetics (pastel colours, vintage effect…) and stay on target so that your images are identifiable in a jiffy and make sure the ensemble is coherent. Lots of Instagramers create a second account, private this one, to create simulations and thus verify that the last post integrates properly in their feed. The good tip? Instagram has launched the functionality “Archive” that enables to mask, without eliminating, a photo of you profile that does not fit. You are the only one who can see it.

Examples to follow: all the images of Caroline South aka @caroline_south are in keeping with very precise specifications. Very graphic still lives on pastel backgrounds.


Hashtags or not hashtag ?

Instagram authorises 30 hashtags max per post, but don’t overdo it. In the kingdom of

likes, chatty types are not welcome. So apply the famous motto ‘less is more’ by taking care to choose the most pertinent hashtags. The good mix? Avoid overly generic names, your content will just be drowned in the masses. Privilege precise hashtags that correspond to your post.

The useful tool? The free app Hashtagger automatically generates hashtags linked to your request, in order of pertinence. Example: for a photo of the #eiffeltower, add #parisjetaime (12%), architecture (5%), trocadero (3%)…

Create a sincere relation with your community

By essence, a social network is based on interaction. It’s the base, but if you look closely, rare are the Instagramers who take the time to answer all the messages and comments of the their followers. It’s a mistake! By showing interest in your followers, you create a lasting relation with them.

The example to follow ? Valentina Loffredo aka @thatsval answers each comment in a personalized manner and slides comments under the photos of her followers.

Show your backstages through stories

Often pinned for its injunction of perfection, Instagram also enables to share more spontaneous via insta stories. The idea? Always creating more proximity with your community. Unveiling the backdrop of a shooting (the famous #behindthescene), sharing one’s joys and small moments of loose, creating a tutorial, organizing the visit of a confidential location… In short, the stories are a window on your intimacy, and you must define the framework.

The good examples to follow? On the stories of @makemylemonade , Lisa Gachet and her team regularly ask the advice of their community to choose the motif of a print of a fabric colour.

Read this if you want to be Instagram famous, Henry Carroll, Paperback, $12.99

Also check out the 5 tips of pro Instagramers to take nice holiday photographs.

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