Tea or a club sandwich at the Meurice

Meurice restaurant

The place: Dali, the chic palace brasserie designed by Starck, father and daughter.

How to look like a regular? By reminding those in the know that the very first Guerlain boutique was set up here before becoming the Meurice. Then you should order “the Cédric Grolet” or the “Honey Saint-Honoré”, two signature desserts from the brilliant star pastry chef.

Who does one run into? Carla Bruni and Farida Khelfa in Absolutely Fabulous mode; Omar Sy, who recently celebrated his birthday here; Marc Lavoine, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian…

Pastry, about 16€.

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Where to find it?

Le Dali à l’Hotel Meurice

228 Rue de Rivoli

75001 Paris

01 44 58 10 44


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