The pajama-party for trendy lovers

Pyjama Party

Pajamas are furiously trendy, spread the word! And if it happens to match the one your lover wears to be, you are the peak of hype for the 2015 version. In other words the "total-look" of trendy  couples takes place in the bedroom.

Proof: the two coolest preppy made in France labels of the moment, aka Maison Labiche and Le Slip Français, have signed a coolab' of irresistible sleepwear by revisiting the good old daddy jammy (in the spirit of Jacques and Bernadette) resolutely Frenchy and sexy...

For your lover: a tee-shirt + a real jammy bottom assorted to a shorty (for a cute fanny) for the girls and a tee-shirt also...

Just choose your tribe and your print (striped or denim), more Bonnie & Clyde or Jane & Serge? The mythical duos whose names are embroidered by hand on the tops, right on the heart.

This really cute and fun can be found in the brand new Slip Français boutique (137, rue Vieille-du-Temple 75003) or on line from your bed…

Le Slip Français & Maison Labiche, men’s pajama ensemble 115€, women’s pajama ensemble 100€.


Also discover the mother/daughter accessories.

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Where to find it?

Le Slip Français

137, rue Vieille du Temple

75003 Paris

Saint-sebastien-froissart Saint-sebastien-froissart

Filles Du Calvaire Filles Du Calvaire

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