The perfect easy-to-make dinner

We’ve all had that terrible moment of being in the metro, at the office or in our kitchen without any idea of what to cook for dinner!

We have found THE solution to simplify life … Illicook !

How does it work ? It all happens on the site. Fill out the very easy info sheet where you indicate your tastes, whims, habits. Once a week, you receive an adapted menu plan. If you wish, it’s possible to be delivered, where and when you want, with the desired quantity … An upscale in keeping with our exacting

Princesse requirements !

The must ? Quality products and more than 3000 recipes offered, that should allow you to come across as a real un cordon bleu without going out of your way!

A choice of two formulas:

Illilist 5€/month

Illicook 9€/month

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