Yummy dishes delivered at home

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Forget run of the mill sushi deliveries when the tell tale question « what are we going to make for dinner tonight? » comes up?

Thanks to the services of LesPetitesCasseroles.fr , you finally have other more amusing options. This terrific site offers the deliver of nice little dishes concocted with fresh seasonal products that can be heated up in the oven or the micro-wave.

Way to go: the menu is put up on line every Friday and order are open until Wednesday. Once your card has been credited, just pick your favorite menus of super  healthy dishes that change each week such as their veal stew, shrimp with curry of a light panna cotta. Meals are delivered at home on Tuesday and Friday.

We like: a practical and clever service handled by two overbooked working-moms.

The must: order customized meals starting at 10 persons, so you don’t spend your evening in the kitchen when you invite friends.

The hot tip for the upcoming seasons: for any card credited until 30 September 2013, a free delivery each week is offered including 20 € of credit.

Count about 9/10€ per person, staring at 6,50€ for delivery


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