Blind tests, surveys, Pictionary: the best online games to have fun with your buddies

Apero Facetime Jeux De Societe

The first time you clinked digital glasses in happy hour Skype mode, it was really quite fun. But 3 weeks after the beginning of the quarantine and after having watched all the latest TV and Netflix series, glass in hand, you really feel like a change of scenery...

Video game buffs and kids have no problems, because they have been playing on the networks since a long time. For others: a small debriefing of all the online game sites for a few laughs and take your mind off the pandemic with your BFF, grandparents, brothers and sisters, as well as your tribe!

In blind test mode

Fans of karaoke are going to transform their Facetime into wild musical quizzes! Our favourite? Blinest, free, super easy to use and fast to improvise a super cool evening with the gang to improve the mood of those who are starting to get a little bored. Addictive.

The plus? No need for a very strong musical culture, with the possibility of choosing trendy mainstream trendy playlists. Efficient: Disney with the kids, TV series, French or 1980s songs... And that also includes quizzes that are deffo metal, classic music to play between music lovers or “video games” for geeks.

The “ great classics” version

They rocked your childhood and weekends in the country. Their digital versions happen to be just as efficient to keep your evenings busy with your playing partners. The bluffing attempts of your elder brother or your darling cousin, who always wanted the hotel on the Rue de la Paix, are still in the running, with wonderful apps for Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit or even Cluedo.

The plus? No need to explain the rules of these mythical games—you are back on track immediately with personalized and customized 2.0 options as we like them and no cheating possible. And for those who love playing Pictionary, they can try Skribbl, the very 90’s version, where it’s possible to create private parties. Mythical!

The trendy option

On the lookout for unusual and stylish games having been awarded all the prizes, taking you into far flung and super strategic universes? The very clever site Boîte à jeux offers for free the most up-to-date editions with fantastic illustrations, chosen and rewarded by critics. Our favourite? Bruxelles 1893, an immersion at the end of the 19th century in the Art Nouveau universe where all the leading architects of that era are convened around a main character: Victor Horta, creator of the Tassel Hotel .

The plus? For each game, a worksheet with instructions on how to play and good story telling with rules explained by an expert on Youtube.

The regressive spirit

The favourite games of teenagers are making their comeback and we hop on board with them, starting with le petit bac en ligne where you will discover LOL categories: a smelly item, video game characters. Same infatuation for Uno or Mille Bornes. With teens, we can even dare a remote game of Loup Garou, the favourite strategy game of teenagers.

The plus: the possibility of keeping the kids nice and busy exchanging with other “quarantined members” of the family such as the grandparents, while knocking back drinks and sneaking cigarettes, hidden in the kitchen, chatting with your girlfriends on House Party.

The week of Do It