The little madeleines of Akrame

Madeleines Akrame

When nostalgia has a hold on us ! While walking down the memory lane of his childhood souvenirs, the star chef of rue Lauriston rememberd the little honey madeleine his mother served him with a café au lait.

Not thinking twice, he replicated it, revisiting the recipe and launched the Mad’Leine kiosque at Beaugrenelle. In total, 7 amazing variations. The most amazing? The one with orange marmelade and vegetal charcoal, that gives it a black color.

Tops also, the tonic lemon, chocolate guanaja and tonka strawberry versions.

We adore: the arty packaging created by street-artists, to be kept once you have wolfed down the contents.

Open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm.

Also discover the inventor of cronut lands at Yann Couvreur.

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Where to find it?

Mad’Leine – Centre commercial Beaugrenelle

12, rue Linois

75015 Paris

Javel-andre-citroen Javel-andre-citroen

Charles Michels Charles Michels

Laboratoire Mad’leine

53, rue Lauriston

75116 Paris

09 50 93 42 44

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