La Boutique de l’Imposture: a surprising cabinet of curiosities at Opéra

Decoration of the shop with wallpapers, plastic glasses, mosaic floor

Trompe l’œil, look alikes, imitations, La Boutique de l’Imposture hides its game well. This highly unusual cabinet of curiosities, installed on Rue Thérèse, is filled with surprising objects. So, will you be able to tell the real from the fake ?

This crystal service seemingly so precious and fragile? Plastic glasses. This old edition of Romeo & Juliet straight out of a period library? A note pad. This mosaic floor? A very realistic coating. Bluffing!

In the window displays

A notebook for  €24
Plastic glasses, €72 for 6
A lightbulb vase for €6
A mosaic vinyl carpet starting at €87
An interior candle named, Appartement du roi Château de Versailles at €60

Special kudos for the irresistible saucissons knitted in France (€32) by the facetious Maison Cisson, a terrific gift idea.

Amazing wallpapers

Having mastered the art of diversion, Christophe Koziel also creates his own wallpapers. A roofs of Paris printing (€38), vinyl motifs, replica of murs Haussmannian walls (€38), hundreds of references for an atypical decor.

Also discover the workshop of ceramicst Marion Graux and Pyramid, the new concept-store celebrating Made in France.

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