The series that talks about rules without taboos

Serie Bon Sang

Every month, it's the same story. Swollen breasts, ovaries in PLS, emotional lift… Every 28 days - in theory, because Mother Nature is capricious - the English arrive.

A hassle that we could do without? No, a blessing! The proof with Bon Sang , the web series that breaks the taboos around ragnagnas with lots of inspiring initiatives. Not too soon.

Yes to sex during menstruation

Scoop: Having sex during your period is neither dirty nor disgusting. On the contrary, it would even be a good time for somersaults. Blame it on the spike in hormones increasing excitement in women. For sexologists and gynecologists therefore, no reason to deprive themselves of a part of the leg in the air. A good ear ...


Kitty activists

Valves to play down the ragnagnas? This is the credo of comedian Klaire fait grrr , from the podcast Mycose the night on ArteRadio . This feminist 2.0 burns the boards with La Chattologie , a fun and informative one-woman show, from which we emerge boosted and reconciled with her moons.

Less LOL but just as cheerful: The Filmed Journal of my Pussy , a series of trash videos in which blogger Cluny unfiltered the little tricks of her hormonal cycle.

Free flow: the alternative to the tampon that everyone is talking about

Goodbye tampons and napkins shielded with glyphosate. With Lydia Vasquez, we learn about the free instinctive flow. Kézaco? A 100% ecological method which consists in controlling the flowing blood by connecting to its sensations. Not convinced? Try the yoni egg , miraculous for toning the perineum. With practice, it seems that it works. And what's more, it's good for the libido.

Long live the cup

For Fanny Godebarge, the cup is full. This young Parisian created the collaborative platform Clean your Cup . Its fight: to identify “ cup friendly Parisian spots (= equipped with toilets with taps to rinse the intimate object out of sight), stamped with a white and red sticker. The real good idea. When will the app be available?

Hygiene for all

Rules are taboo. Even more when you live on the street. To help the poorest to remain dignified, the Elementary Rules association founded by Tara Heuzé collects hygienic kits to redistribute them to homeless women. Spot donation boxes (in town halls, schools, businesses) to support this great project.

All of these themes and many others - periods around the world, endometriosis, menstrual art (yes, it does exist and it's not even yucky) - are discussed in this feel good web series aimed at to all (gentlemen, welcome). The revolution in our panties is now!

All episodes streaming

Also discover: Boy erased, a denunciation of sexual reorientation therapy in the United States .

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