Egg baked avocado: the new avocado craze

Egg Baked Avocado

After the avocado toast, the time has come for e gg baked avocado : the new passion that healthy girls love. In this case, an egg casserole served in an avocado . As bluffing as it is easy to achieve ... It is your Insta account that will be happy.

Preparation: 15 minutes

Cooking: 15 minutes

For 4 people


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

Sweat the julienned vegetables and a chopped shallot in a frying pan with 15 g of butter for 5 min. Add salt and pepper and reserve.

Prepare the artichokes by removing the outer leaves, cutting off the tips and removing the hay from the center.

Cook them for 5 min in a saucepan of salted boiling water with the juice of a lemon .

Drain and set aside.

Cut the avocados in half, remove the stones and remove the flesh, keeping the shells.

Cut the flesh into small cubes with the tomato , a raw shallot and the herbs .

Drizzle with the vinaigrette , season with salt and pepper and set aside.

Fill the avocados and artichokes with the julienned vegetables . Pour over a tsp. coffee cream then place an egg in the center.

Bake and cook for 10 minutes at 180 ° C.

Serve with the arugula salad and the small avocado salad (made with the reserved avocado flesh ).

Also discover: the strawberry tart by Jean François Trap .

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