The stylish soup of summer

Recette Bouillon Roquette Basilic Chevre

Prepare your summer body with this arugula , basil and goat cheese broth . In 5 minutes flat, you have the stylish summer soup.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 seconds

For 4 people


To make this very green broth, you need a powerful blender.

Start by putting the basil (keep some pretty leaves for decoration) and the crème fraîche in the blender bowl.

Boil the water in a saucepan.

Blanch the arugula , that is to say, pour it into the boiling water and cook for about 20 seconds to soften it.

Add the arugula and the cooking water to the blender and mix for 2 minutes to obtain a completely smooth and very green broth .

Instead, salt generously and season with freshly ground black pepper .

This broth is best served per minute, it will lose its green color if it is overheated.

When ready to serve, decorate the green broth with the plain goat cheese sticks and a few basil leaves .

Also discover: avocado tempura and mint hummus .

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