The avocado muffin

Muffin Aux Oeufs

After the avocado toast, the avocado bowl or the guacamole passion, the avocado continues to impress us. In a muffin version, it stands on the first step of the podium.


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, oil the muffin dish with a dash of olive oil.

2. In a salad bowl, place the eggs and the milk, then mix with an electric whip.

Stir to integrated the chopped spinach, the parsley, the cherry tomatoes and the shallot.

3. Divide the preparation according to the number of muffin dishes, then bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the eggs are cooked. Remove the dish from the oven and allow to cool down for 5 minutes.

4. Place the avocado slices and cherry tomato quarters then sprinkle with shredded feta.


Also discover the no-gluten and veggie tidbit cake and the recipe for salty waffles.

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- 8 large eggs

- 60 g of milk

- 80 g fresh chopped spinach

- 100 g cherry tomatoes

- 30 g chizeled shallots

- Avocado slices

- 20 g of parsley

- Feta cheese

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