The perfect recipe for a mirabelle tart

Tarte Mirabelle

It’s the most sexy dessert of the season that will surely bring back
childhood memories to the surface. Its nutty crust conveys an extra
something that will appeal to you … In short: a tart that almost has the
taste of honey …  

© Emilie Guelpa

For 6 to 8 persons


Sift the flour then incorporate the butter and the salt.

Mix with the fingertips until you obtain a sandy texture.

Create a well in the middle of the mix, add the egg yolk, water and

Mix all the ingredients without overworking the dough.

Then crush with the palm of the hand to amalgamate.

Form a ball, wrap in plastic film and set in a fresh place for a minimum of
2 hours.

Wash the mirabelles, cut them in half and remove the pits. Mix with the
brown sugar, the Maïzena ® corn starch, the lemon juice and the salt.

Allow to macerate for 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Spread the dough on a leaf of sulfurized paper.

Sprinkle the dough with hazlelnut powder.

Place the mirabelles on the dough beginning with the outer part,
leaving an edge of 4 cm. Fold the dough over the mirabelles.

Beat the egg white, baste the contour with the help of a brush and
sprinkle with brown sugar. Place a few branches of thyme on the

Slip the paper with the tart onto a cooking plaque and bake for 30
minutes. Sprinkle with crushed hazelnuts and pour the honey just
before serving.


Also discover the recipe for a mirabelle tart and the prettiest autumnal blackberries and fig tart

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For short crust pastry :

- 250g of flour

- 125g of butter

- 80g of powdered sugar

- 1 egg yolk

- 3 tablespoons of ice water

- 1 pinch of salt

For the garnishing :

- 600g of fresh or frozen mirabelles from Lorraine

- 40g of brown sugar

- 2 tablespoons of corn starch

- 2 tablespoons of lemon

- 40g of powdered hazelnuts

- 1 pinch of sugar

- 1 egg yolk and brown sugar for the golden topping

- A few hazelnuts

- 2 tablespoons of honey

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