The beet-blueberries smoothie bowl

Sb Betterave Myrtille Copyright Rebecca Genet

Smoothie bowl here, smoothie-bowl there. This darling little dish is creating the buzz on the social networks.

Quite normal: it’s really cute, comprising super energizing virtues with minimal calories: to be adopted eyes-shut !

We will find all these recipe in the bible Smoothie bowls of Plus une miette published by Marabout.

Ready in  5 minutes


Wash the beet (peel if it’s not organic) and cut into pieces.

Put all the ingredients in the  blender and mix

until the consistency is homogenous.

Pour the smoothie in a bowl; sprinkle the blueberries and quinola on top.

smoothie bowl book

© Rebecca Genet

Also discover the smoothie bowl with mirabelles and strawberries and the porridge bowl with chia seeds.

written by


125 g of frozen blueberries

1 small cooked beet

150 ml of almond milk




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