The bagel of trendy festivals

Bagel Food Truck

From Rock en Seine to Francofolies, this very rock ‘n roll bagel is the addictive sandwich that is featured in all the most trendy festivals of Summer at the heart of the Richesmonts food-truck... A small super New Yorker recipe with cheese, pastrami and red onions—to be served all summer long.

Preparation: 15 min - Cooking: 5 min – Number of guests: 4.

Way to go :

• Peel the red onion and cut it up in thin round slices. Wash and dry the spinach sprouts.

• In a small bowl, mix the mustard and the honey.

Cut the bagels in half. Spread the bases of each bagel with the honey mustard, add 2 slices of Raclette RichesMonts and 1 slice of pastrami on each one and cook them under the oven grill with the tops on for about 5 so that the cheese can melt.

• Then place on each base the red onion slices, sprinkle with the spinach sprouts, salt and pepper.

• Close each bagel with its top and serve warm.

Tip: If you want variations, replace the spinach shoots with arugula or mâche for extra crunch, and the pastrami with roasted pork or braised breast of chicken.


Also discover the australian shirt steak burger and the meatball sandwich from Café des Abattoirs.

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• 8 slices of Raclette RichesMonts cheese with or without crust

• 4 sesame bagels

• 4 tablespoons of mustard

• 1 teaspoon of honey

• 1/2 red onion

• 4 thin slices of pastrami

• 1 handful of spinach sprouts

• Salt, pepper

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