Vote for the financing of your favourite project

Yoplait Bonne Action

Voting means taking action! Never has the motto been so true.

Nothing could be more simple… Go to the site … Vote for the project pertaining to feminine entrepreneurship that appeals to you most. Thanks to the Prix du Public, the company that will receive the most votes will be awarded 5000€ of financial support.

All the charity concepts for this contest happen to be truly fascinating with amongst the categories: “social softness”, “ feminine softness” and “ eco-citizen softness”.

Such as for example Le Filon, the associations that provides welcome shelters to homeless women, , Kolectou, that fights against food waste; Décibelle, hearing aids designed as ultra stylish jewellery pieces, Yoggy, the app that puts people in touch with the right association, without forgetting Jho, the startup of 100% organicd  tampons and sanitary napkins or Camille Boillet, the wedding dress designer for women in wheelchairs.

Quickly vote for your favourite project on

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