Filet mignon with yakitori sauce

Recette Filet De Porc

When the cold ends, we take the opportunity to simmer a good filet mignon with chestnut honey . The detail that makes all the difference? The yakitori sauce which brilliantly combines Asian flavors and a festive dish!

For 6 persons.


The marinade (3 hours before cooking)

  • Mix the honey and the yakitori sauce , let the honey warm slightly to facilitate mixing if necessary, then coat the filet mignon with this marinade . Film with cling film and leave at room temperature for 3 hours.

Cooking the filet mignon:

  • In a heavy-bottomed casserole dish, brown the meat on all sides in the oil and butter mixture then remove to a serving dish.

  • Add a little fat if necessary then sweat the finely chopped onions .

  • Add the lemon zest cut into fine sticks, mix, then add the dried apricots also cut into sticks.

  • Add the vinegar , honey , yakitori sauce and simmer for a few minutes, covered.

  • When the mixture has thickened, add the filet mignon , cover and allow about 7 minutes. Flip the filet mignon, cover again and cook for another 7 minutes.

  • Place the meat in a dish, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil (but without enclosing) and adjust the sauce if necessary.

To serve with potatoes cooked in the field or mashed potatoes.


Also discover the recipe for roast veal .

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