The recipe for the best spring rolls in Paris

Recette Spring Rolls Pastrami Truffe

We had already told you about it. Picky Spring is the new food label that delivers the best spring rolls in Paris. His extra thing? Having revisited the Asian bestseller with our kiffs while keeping a very low glycemic index to keep the line. Remixed with truffle pastrami sauce, here is the healthy snack that stands out. You're going to snub Uber Eats, that's for sure!

For 4 rolls

Preparation of the rice paper:

Boil hot water in a saucepan.

Position the rice paper above the steam for 5 to 10 seconds.

Place the rice paper on a damp cloth.


Preparation of the rolls:


Prepare the truffle cream cheese (for the 100 g):

Mix 75 g of cream cheese with 25 g of truffle paste . Season with salt and pepper .

Slice the button mushrooms into thin slices.

On the moistened rice sheet place:

Two slices of pastramis.
25 g of cream cheese with truffles.
The Roman and shoot rocket.

On the highest part of the rice paper (the one you can see when you close the Rolls):

Place the button mushroom slices nicely .

Then roll up the rice paper to form the spring roll !

Also discover picky springs the best spring rolls in Paris

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