The delicious Danish brioches with cinnamon

Recette Cinnamon Rolls

Everyone knows gourmet cinnamon rolls, the divine Christmas cinnamon brioches! We follow the advice of the famous blogger Plus une miette, who pimps them with Pink Lady® apples and pecan nuts. Yummy!

Preparation time:
30 min
Resting time: 2 hours                     
Cooking time: 25 min

For 6 to 8 persons


Making the dough:

Pour all the ingredients in a robot bowl.

Knead during 10 to 15 minutes until the dough has a homogenous texture.

Place the dough in an oiled recipient and cover with a clean slightly humid dish towel.

Allow the dough to rise at room temperature during 1 hour until it doubles in volume.

Preparation of the garnishing:

Spread the soft butter on top and sprinkle with the mix of brown sugar and cinnamon.

Place on top the diced up roasted apples and the crushed pecan nuts. Roll the dough lengthwise.

Cut 10 rolls, then place them next to one another on a cooking plaque covered with sulfurized paper.

Cover with the help of a clean dish towel and allow to sit again for 1 hour at room temperature.

Peel, remove the pits and dice up the apples. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

In a pan, melt a nut of butter then pour the diced up Pink Lady®  apples and the sugar.

Baste the top of the cinnamon rolls with a little bit of milk, then bake for about 25 minutes until they are nice and golden.

Pan fry the apples for a few minutes then set aside.

Then press the dough on a kitchen counter with flour and form a rectangle of about 30×22cm.

After removing from the oven, mix the icing ingredients then spread the preparation on the cinnamon rolls with a brush or a spatula. Serve immediately.

Discover also the recipe for healthy granola

written by


For the dough :

- 400 g of flour

- 1 teaspoon of instant baker’s yeast

- 100 ml of warm milk

- 50 g of melted butter

- 1 egg

- 2 pinches of salt

- 30 g of powdered sugar

- Vanilla pod seeds

For the garnishing :

- 2 Pink Lady® apples

- 20 g of sugar

- 100 g of crushed pecan nuts

- 100 g of soft butter

- 60 g of brown sugar

- 2 teaspoons of powder cinnamon

- 30 g of milk

For the icing :

- 100 g of icing sugar

- 100 g of fresh cheese spread

- 30 ml of hot water

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