The recipe for healthy granola

Recette Granola Noix

This highly instagrammable breakfast made with oats, nuts from Grenoble and small seeds filled with Oméga 3 fibers is filled with the energy need to start off the day. The tip? To be mixed with agave syrup and walnut oil, or a little bit of apple sauce to become wonderfully crunchy!

Preparation: 25 min

Coooking: 40 min

For a jar of 1,5 l granola – vegetarian recipe


Crush the nuts and keep the edible inside. With a knife, crush coarsely. Preheat the oven to 160°. In a big salad bowl, mix the oats with all the seeds, the crushed walnuts and the cinnamon.

In a pan, heat on an average flame the apple sauce, the maple syrup and the walnut oil until it simmers. Pour over the oats-walnuts-seeds and mix well.

Divide the preparation on a cooking plaque and bake for 30 to 40 minutes. Stir the granola every 10 minutes until it’s nice and golden. Keep an eye on the cooking because it can easily burn. Take out and allow to cool down.

Add the dried figs cut into small pieces and the dry raisins.
Store in a hermetic jar.

For a healthy and gourmet breakfast :

You can add to your granola some walnuts from Grenoble, milk or sprinkle a small bowl of farmer cheese or yogurt. Homemade mashed or natural fruit will convey freshness!


Discover also the recipe of Michel and Augustin's chocolate cake.


© Aurélie Jeannette PHOTOGRAPHIE

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- 400 g of AOP nuts from Grenoble

- 300 g of small flaky oats

- 100 g of seed mix (linen, sesame, sunflower, poppy seed, …)

- 150 g of apple sauce

- 150 g of maple syrup

- 2 c. virgin walnut olive oil

- 125 g of dry figs

- 75 g of dry raisins

- 2 c. à of ground cinnamon coffee

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