The vegan pavlova of Alain Ducasse x Angèle Ferreux-Maeght

Recette Pavlova Vegan

Vegans are well treated this Xmas. Alain Ducasse signs a book of entirely vegetal desserts in collaboration with Angèle Ferreux-Maeght. A super light dessert? This is the case of the pavlova veggie version enhanced with orange blossom! Yum

Preparation time: 45 minutes
Drying time: 1 night
Resting time: 3 to 4 hours

For 3 to 5 persons


The meringue crown:

The evening before, pour the chick pea juice in the bowl of a pastry blender and start whipping.

When the preparation is nice and frothy, add the mix of sugar and yeast, then continue to mix at high speed until the meringue is very firm and shiny– it can take a few minutes.
On the reverse side of cooking paper, draw a circle of about 20cm in diameter to have a pointer. On the other side of the paper, place the meringue with a pastry bag following your pointer.

The crown must be as high as possible, because it risks drooping during the drying period.
Place on top pieces of almonds, de pistachios, nuts, slices of dry apricots and dates in order to obtain a pretty crown.
Dry it in the dehydrator for 24 h or in the oven without any ventilation at 60°C (th. 1-2) all night long.

The orange blossom ice cream:

Dip the Cajun nuts 1 to 2 h in water. Drain, then mix all the ingredients in a blender until you obtain a smooth and homogenous mix.
Transfer in an ice cream dish.

Once the mixture is iced, keep it in the deep-freeze until serving time.

Presentation & finishing:

Serve a share of pavlova per plate with a long scoop of ice cream and some fresh fruit if you wish.

Fêtes Végétales, published by Ducasse Edition on 18 October 2018. Available in bookshops at the price of 35€. Authors: Angèle Ferreux-Maeght, Alain Ducasse & Romain Meder. Photographer: Aurélie Miquel.


Also discover the delicious Danish brioches with cinnamon

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The meringue crown:
- 100 g of reduced chick pea juice, or canned
- 150 g de complete blond sugar
- 10 g of corn starch
- Whole crushed almonds
- Whole crushed hazelnuts

- Whole crushed pistachios
- 3 dry apricots
- 3 dates

Orange blossom ice cream:
- 150 g of Cajun nuts
- 170 g of agave syrup
- 25 cl of almond milk
- 6 cl of coconut oil
- 5 cl of orange blossom water

- 4 pinches of salt

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