5 advice to avoid burnout by naturopath Emilie Kapps

Exercices Naturopathie

Back in the saddle, stress… The holidays already seem very far. How to hold on the all the benefits of the holidays without burning the Zen and rest capital acquired during summer ? Emilie Kapps, naturopath, gives us some practical advice to adopt from one day to the next in order to avoid back in the grind burn out.

Walking 20 minutes per day

Might getting up 20 minutes earlier be the secret to sleeping well ? “Ideally, get out 3 metro stops earlier ”, explains Emilie Kapps. “Walking is a non violent activity that has real impacts when you practice it 20 minutes minimum per day.

The fact of breathing air and exposing yourself to light brings you oxygen, and synthetizes melatonin, the star sleeping hormone.

The effects of walking will be totally optimized if one duplicates them with relaxation amidst urban frenzy, by listening for example to relaxing melodies such as the sound of the sea, wind in the trees or rain falling, all on the app Relax Melodies.

Download the app Relax Melodies

Soaking in Epsom bath salts

It’s the new big trend in detox institutes. And with reason: Epsom salt provides a shoot of magnesium. Associated with the effects of water, it enables to convey minerals to our body and offers truly relaxing virtues. In short, a real spa at home.

How does it work? Throw in 2 to 3 handfuls of Epsom salt in a bath at 37°C in which you stay 25-30 minutes, ideally in the evening to relax and enhance sleepiness. However you must think of rinsing it off well and using moisturizer after your bath.

Epsom salts €2.90 of 500g


Stop drinking alcohol three times a week


It’s important to say calmer at least the first 3 days of the week by zapping alcohol, and reducing to a maximum cigarette smoking as well as bad eating habits. “Making real pauses enables the body to detoxify and avoids clogging up your system”, adds the naturopath.

Concretely: rather than eliminate the 3 extra glasses of the night before, the body concentrates on our vital functions, notably our immune system, thus fighting against virus and pathogen agents. Translation: avoid the first negative health issues of the Fall as well as putting on that extra kilo. “Even if of course, starting on Thursday / wee-end, you can let go”, insists Emilie Kapps. To be meditated on...

Breathing 3 x 5 minutes per day

It’s what we call cardiac coherence”, explains the naturopath. This is a natural but very efficient method. Concretely: it enables to regulate stress by lowering blood pressure and cardiac frequency very quickly.

To benefit from it, settle in a calm place 3 times a day during 5 minutes (6 stomach breathing  per minute) and let yourself be guided by the rhythm of the Respi Relax app that offers optimal practice. You will quickly feels the effects on a psychological level as well as emotional ones.

Free Respi Relax app

Getting into Olive

For those who are already tired/ psychologically and nervously exhausted, check out Fleur de Bach “Olive”, the last tip by Emilie Kapps. This is a real natural starter that brings back strength and energy to deal with the upcoming Fall season. During 3 weeks, follow a cure by taking 2 drops under the tongue or diluted in a little source water, 3 times a day.

Fleur de Bach “Olive”(8,90€)

Also discover 3 new spas Palace spas and 8 easy remedies to prepare yourself.

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