Great tips to sleep well

Somniferes Naturels

Sleep ? The new obsession of urbanites. Normal, the first beauty secret, it’s a really soothing night of deep sleep The question needed to be looked at closely … Nothing better than a deluxe hotel such as the Westin Paris for “good sleeping tips” ? Sleeping patterns that make you look beautiful, allow you to wake up feeling rested, zaps stress, gives you energy and produces good vibes. These pros of magic nights all delivered their secrets to go to bed in a bubble of voluptuousness.

Being in a fresh environment

A fresh room is the equivalent of all the face masks in the world and becomes a fatal weapon against insomnias. Think or airing your room before going to bed (while you brush your teeth, for example) and try to maintain a temperature between 19 and 22 degrees all night long, while staying nice and warm under your comforter, explains Cassandre Grimon, director of the Spa Six Senses at The Westin Paris-Vendôme hotel. Result? You will wake up fresh as a rose and without the morning bloated effect due to overheated rooms. Total win-win.


Signing off… and making love !

You adore watching Game of Thrones or Instagram in your bed? Unfortunately, waves and screens are overly stimulating… and are seriously perturb just before you go to sleep. In short : sleep is a little bit like a sports session, you need to warm up... In a calm environment! Half an hour before going to bed, unplug your TV, close your lap top and smart phone. This should dim the surrounding noise … You find the idea boring ? Well don’t forget you loved on right next to you. And a good dose of love and a few antics are the best sleeping pills…

Nestling in a good pillow

Imagine that you spend ⅓ of your life with your head on a pillow… And we all tend to mistreat this night companion. So if one sleeps well in the dream beds of a deluxe hotel, it’s because the bedding is tops and the pillows are produced and chosen with care which allows your cervical vertebrae to be pampered, spares you back and fights against stress…

The small luxury that will change your life? Investing in an anti-bacteria pillow with the top of the line Westin know-faire how to fall asleep blissfully and wake up fresh every morning.

Hypoallergenic pillows, starting at 30€.


Getting dressed !

You are a fashion horse during the day? Be a style diva at night, and boost your self-esteem, especially if you are a bachelor. Sleeping well begins with self-respect… And pampering yourself, the same way you pamper yourself in the morning before going to the office. Old shorties and ratty t-shirts can go straight into the rag box. Invest in a super chic pajama worthy of Jacquie Kennedy, as those featured in the last Beltz or Boden collection, unless you prefer a princess nighty…


Breathing !

“Take deep breaths: inspire deeply by the nose and expire slowly by the mouth”, explains Cassandre Grimon. It allows better oxygenation but also slows down the cardiac rhythm. In short, the perfect ataraxy state to go to sleep serenely.

Concocting a magic potion

Le barman du Westin Paris imagined a series of herbal teas with high virtues and marvelous perfumes. An absolute must and an amazing beauty routine to take on before going to bed to produce hydration and ensure optimal digestion.

The recipe of our favourite ones:

“Marie Delight” : in a teapot, place a dose of verbena infusion + 1 twig of tarragon and sugar cane. Fill up 2/3 with boiling water. In a tea up place one twig of tarragon. Prepare a piece of cryoice (available on to be placed in the teapot.

“Pleasure Lifting” : in a tea pot, put a dose of lemon grass ginger infusion + 1 cl of vanilla syrup. Fill up 2/3 with boiling water… In a teapot, place 2 slices of ginger on a tooth pick. Prepare a piece of cryoice to be placed in the teapot.



Go for massages

How about having a spa at home? Inspire yourself from the Chinese who practice the “DO IN” with 5 minutes of auto-massage every evening. Start by massaging your temples and you scalp with circular movements to soothe tensions and relaunch circulation. Use a hand cream and massage during 3 minutes the “Hegu” by pinching, between the thumb and the index. Perfect to help reduce stress, fight against insomnia or relieve anxiety. Miraculously Zen.


Early dinner

The key to a good nights sleep is a light dinner, at least 2 hours before going to bed, so that the digestive system is also at rest when you go to bed. In short, a Spring detox will allow to sleep like a baby, having a young girl’s complexion, having a young girl’s complexion in addition to a sirens body when the weather warms up.

Dare the hot water bottle

This retro object is no longer considered a Granny accessory, but of course you need to choose a chic and stylish one. Invest in a pretty cushion filled with cherry pits (at Nature et Découvertes, for example) to be heated in 30 seconds in the micro-wave…

Choosing the right book

The book ? A delicate object, almost erotic, that allows you to get away from “breaking news”. You eyes will close by themselves when your “sleep window” opens up… Carefully choose a book that will make you dream, even if it means going back to the great classics of the daring Parisienne: a splendid Colette, Chéri or Gigi at the time of Parisian courtesans, unless you prefet a Sagan, Bonjour Tristesse or Aimez-vous Brahms... Not into novels ? Go for a funny and light bedside such as the hilarious tweets compiled by Loïc Prigent J’adore la mode, mais c’est tout ce que je déteste, a great book for your next far-flung journey or even a recipe book if you are a food-addict. Most important ? The pleasure syndrome !


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