Alkaline Diet: the star detox of celebrities during confinement

Detox Caterine Malpas

After the winter, 5 long weeks of confinement to test all of Cyril Lignac's recipes and a subscription to the room in pause mode, some start to seriously have a green complexion and a stomach ache when others have (a lot) hard to close their test jeans.

Catherine Malpas, la nutritionniste des stars

Above all, don't panic, ” said Catherine Malpas , the celebrity nutritionist. " Do not add stress to the stress of confinement, this is precisely what promotes fat ", as she explains among other things in the course of her exciting podcasts .

True priestess of the alkaline diet practiced by Californian tops and actresses, the famous naturopath gives us all the keys to lose those extra pounds and love handles in 4 weeks flat.

We give ourselves a month to lose the extra pounds

What if we took the famous May 11 as an objective to shed the weight we took without suffering ? ”, Suggests Catherine Malpas . “ There is a month left. Let's get started! ”She encourages.

Warning ! Practicing the alkaline diet is not a diet! Frustration is the worst enemy of weight loss. “ With this method, you will lose 2-3 pounds of fat, not muscle, and this is measured in inches. It should be seen as a spring cleaning and a detox. But above all: we eat as much as we want in a state of mind based on pleasure and quality.

We go on a diet every other week

The first factor in weight gain is acidity. Every other week, we restore an alkaline diet to regain a neutral PH , fight against inflammatory processes and de-stress the body ”, explains Catherine Malpas.

On the program: “ Lots of green vegetables , which aids digestion and increases the number of red blood cells to oxygenate the blood. With fruits and vegetables, you boost your immunity and especially you regain your energy. This makes it possible to remove the fat, in particular the bulges in the stomach and hips, the preferred storage area.

We adapt our routine

The week when we practice the alkaline week: no alcohol. “ Maybe a glass of red wine, if you really feel like it at lunchtime, it's a good antioxidant and frustration is the worst enemy of this detox ”, explains the naturopath.

Coffee is also a strong acidifier. Go for a coffee and a decaf per day if you are addicted ... We turn to organic green tea, detox herbal tea or scented waters by putting orange, mint or lemon in a carafe. It is really very detoxifying and it helps to eliminate ”.

What about itchy waters? “ Ok for the sparkling but the least mineralized possible, it loads the kidneys with waste ”, recommends Catherine Malpas . “ We avoid Badoit and Salvetat by going towards San Pellegrino or Perrier .

We follow a weekly planner with sexy recipes

Un smoothie vert à préparer 20 minutes avant de le déguster pour le petit déjeuner et Un curry végétarien pour le dîner.

I offer a 6-day program to the patients that I am. All they need to do is follow a few examples of my personal recipes, which are particularly alkalizing and delicious, ”analyzes the nutritionist.

A green smoothie to prepare 20 minutes before enjoying it for breakfast. Mix 1⁄2 avocado + 2 handfuls of spinach + 1 handful of Kale + 1⁄2 cucumber + 200 ml of almond milk + 3 tablespoons of coconut oil + 50 g of soaked almonds + 25 g of soaked cashew nuts + 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds + 1 tablespoon of chia seeds.

A leek fondue for lunch. In a saucepan, melt slices of 3 leeks (remember to remove the dark green leaves to optimize digestion) in a base of olive oil with a little garlic powder and ground nutmeg for 1 hour medium heat. Cook 1 cup of brown rice and 1 cup of lentils to serve with the leek fondue.

A vegetarian curry for dinner. In a bowl, mix 3 tbsp. of curry powder + 1 tbsp. ground cilantro, 1 tsp. of turmeric powder, 2 cloves of cardamom, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of cumin powder + 3 cloves of garlic + 2 cm of fresh ginger, diced + 1 tsp. tablespoons of coconut milk. Cut 250 g of cauliflower flowers + 250 g of broccoli + 200 g of carrots cut into small pieces + 300 g of canned crushed tomatoes. In a saucepan, brown 1 large sliced yellow onion with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. As soon as it is browned, add the spice mixture. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the vegetables, coconut milk and 1⁄2 glass of water. Simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes then add a ripe banana cut into slices and cook for another 15 minutes until the vegetables are tender (but with texture). Add water if needed. Add 1 tsp. peanut butter 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Salt. Add 10 cilantro leaves and serve hot with 1 cup of brown rice and 1 cup of cooked lentils.

We offer feasts over a period of 8 hours

The week when we return to a more usual diet, we eat everything, obviously on the condition of keeping a consistent diet with fruits, vegetables, vegetables and proteins.

To continue the slimming process: we will practice 16 hours of fasting every day. “It's up to you whether you prefer to skip breakfast or have dinner early ”. Why ? With an intermittent 16h fast, we trigger glucagon , this magic hormone that naturally stores fat.

This allows you to have a period of 8 hours a day where you free yourself from stress and reconnect with your body with a pleasure diet . This famous classic week, we can treat ourselves to a good dinner, two glasses of red wine or champagne, very compatible with endorphin. The only food to avoid absolutely: starchy foods in the evening.

We provoke crises of calm

To sleep well is to lose weight. If you have trouble getting a good sleep: you have to induce a crisis of calm before going to bed in 2 minutes flat ”, recommends Catherine.

How it works ? “ Sitting in a chair or on your bed, shoulders relaxed and legs at 90 °, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths in 3 steps. You start by inhaling through your nose, inflating your stomach very deeply. We block for 2 seconds and we breathe out while pulling in the stomach.

Result: it decreases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and causes an instant relaxation reflex. “ It is a very good exercise to develop against external aggressions during post-containment. As soon as we are stressed, we practice a crisis of calm to avoid stress, which promotes fat.

We practice a cool physical activity

on monte et on descend les escaliers le matin, on fait 1h de marche autorisée d’un bon pas ou du yoga avec une bonn appli.

During confinement, I recommend a moderate intensity physical activity to be done in the morning or in the afternoon but before 5 p.m. According to each: we go up and down the stairs in the morning, we do 1 hour of authorized walking briskly or yoga with a good app.

After 5 pm, we excite our intestines and nerve cells, and we sleep less well… So no! ”, Explains Catherine Malpas .

Also discover all the great sports classes to practice at home and the new slimming trends to adopt urgently

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