What if we adopted the express diet of the stars?

Therapie Detox Chenot

Do you want to lose 2 kilos fissa, to lift the small bulges suddenly arrived after the holidays ? Do you dream of regaining the complexion of a doll and offering a little makeover to your figure battered by too much champagne , fondue and galette des rois ?

Phew: to restore your figure and digestive tract to normal, follow the little diet of Henri Chenot , the coach of the stars at the dream line, a real expert in personalized detoxification programs and creator of the Espace Henri Chenot at the Palace Merano in Italy.

Portrait du coach et expert des programmes de détoxination Henri Chenot

Result? An overwhelmingly effective detox that will restore your acid-base balance and fitter you! Follow the guide: it lasts 3 days, and frankly, it's easy!

On the 3-day program

For breakfast: 1 glass of centrifuged apple juice + 1 glass of centrifuged carrot juice + 1 cup of barley coffee or green tea. The alternative if you don't have a juicer? Cut the apple and carrot into small pieces or grate them.

Lunch : 1 seasonal fruit + some raw vegetables, seasoned with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed) and apple vinegar or lemon juice + 60 g. full or semi-brown rice, seasoned with vegetable sauce as desired.

Dinner: vegetables, grilled or steamed + 60 grams of whole or semi-brown rice, prepared with vegetables, seasoned with a drizzle of oil, parsley or tomato. The alternative ? 40 grams of rice in a soup of various vegetables.

How to proceed ?

If this detox proves to be restrictive, it is normal, it allows to rest the digestive system ! Explanation of Henri Chenot: " It is imperative not to continue this diet beyond 3 days , because it does not provide the nutrients necessary for daily life. However, it is a good therapy " detoxifying "for the body, to be done after big excesses or once a month in order to rest the digestive system. "


Also discover the perfect detox for January 1st.

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