The secret of slim and healthy girls

 Models, working girls, surfers in bikinis at the beach

The models, Parisian working girl and Californian surfers body siren will tell you all. The secret to having a bikini body and feeling good in your sneakers? Dope with endorphins while doing some sport . And, above all, stop depriving yourself! Which avoids cracking. CQFD Easier said than done.

Unless ...
A stylish label like foodspring imagines magical hyper healthy, organic snacks and crazy preparations, all cooked with good products to be able to enjoy losing weight or keeping your figure. Curvy influencers are all already addicted to it. We explain why.

Healthy foodporn

Spread dingoes will be jubilant! The Protein Cream , from which 85% of sugar has been removed from the classic version, allows you to rediscover the kiff of chocolate while keeping a flat stomach. Especially if you spread it on these homemade pancakes and very low in calories. Add water, cook in a pan: it's ready.

La Protein Cream, pâte à tartiner sur des pancakes maison

The alternative for chocolate cake addicts? The high protein wahou brownie to simmer very easily.

A sudden desire for bonbecs? We love the pineapple , strawberry or apple crunchy fruits . The taste and the likes of sweets… in a version boosted with vitamins and minerals, at only 210 calories per packet.

The slimming solution for working-girls

Flemme oblige, if you tend to order a burger-cheesecake formula on your phone as soon as your stomach is growling, we have the solution. Zap your apps and take a box of Shape Shake to the office to concoct a revolutionary smoothie that healthy girls are addicted to.

The idea? A chocolate , banana, coffee, strawberry, mango or even neutral drink to which you can add superfood to serve as a low-calorie snack . Armored with protein and fiber , this comfy and satiating beverage helps counterbalance small excesses and is very easy to prepare. Always have on hand in case of a little hunger.

Gluten-free and vegan products

Once is not customary, the twigs will not be forgotten in service. And for good reason: the organic and vegan paleo bars with blueberry, cocoa or passion fruit are too good and ideal for a quick breakfast.

les glaces protéinées et les nouvelles barres extra chocolatées

Just like protein ice cream or the new extra chocolate bars … A must.

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