For stylish tailor made suits: L’Apiéceur


Some wear it every day to go work, others pull it out of the closets on important occasions. Whatever the occasion, the suit is a very important piece of the masculine wardrobe and it needs to be just right. A pair of short pants like Steve Urkel? Big no-no. The same goes for the extra long sleeve that conveys the demeanor of clumsy penguin.

Stylist-modelist, Camille has launched a brand of tailor made suits for today’s men. Models in keeping with the times, impeccable cut and 100 % personalisable: plain fabric or with motifs, wool or cotton, choice of lining, colourful button hole, embroidered initials. Everything is possible. Jacket, blazer, shirt, pants… Fabrics come from England and Italy, confection takes place in the workshops, guarantees of a real know-how in Rumania. Result, the young woman dresses just as well thirty-year olds as finance golden boys of forty years, chic dandies and future newlyweds.

Careful, better plan ahead. After a first rendezvous in her design boutique of the Marais, count 4 to 6 weeks of waiting time for a first fitting. Then, one or two weeks for the last pour adjustments. Result? A two-piece suit cut exactly for you at a reasonable price (between €650 and 950) considering the quality of execution, the fabrics chosen and the precious advice of Camille.

Book an appointment before your visit.

9, rue du Pont aux Choux 75003 Paris. 06 64 90 05 25.

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Where to find it?


9 rue du Pont aux Choux

75003 Paris

06 64 90 05 25

Saint-sebastien-froissart Saint-sebastien-froissart

Filles Du Calvaire Filles Du Calvaire

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