The best no gluten cake ever !

Recette Cake Sans Gluten

© Aurélie Jeannette

What a pleasure to enjoy a yummy treat at tea time. So, let’s imagine a cake that can satisfy everyone and even all those who are on a no- gluten diet! Concocted with no-gluten flours, blond sugar cane and good organic eggs, the dough is enhanced with nuts from Grenoble and apples to bring both crunchy and soft sensations!

Prepararation : 25 min
Cooking: 40 min
For 1 cake

Preparation :

With a knife, crush them coarsely.

Peel and dice up the apple.

In a salad bowl, mix the flour and the yeast, then the diced up apples and the crushed nuts.

Preheat the oven at 170°C.

With a whisk, whip together the soft butter and the sugar during 5 minutes.

Add the eggs one by one incorporating them entirely between each addition.

Finally, add the flour-yeast-apple-nut mix and stir with a spatula or a spoon without insisting, just enough to make the flour disappear.

Pour the dough in a cake mould shirted with sulfurized paper. Bake for about 40 minutes. Verify the cooking with the tip of a knife: it must come out dry.

Unmould within 15 minutes and allow to cool on a grill.

For a glossy touch: For a glossy cake, when it’s cold, you can coat it with quince or lemon jelly heated in a pan. And for a nutty reminder, place on top a few nice kernels that you will shine up with jelly!


Also discover the recipe for no-gluten and no-lactose pancakes and the vanilla fritters by Christophe Adam.

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- 200g of Grenoble AOP nuts

- 1 small apple

- 130g of soft butter  

- 125g of blond sugar cane

- 200g of no-gluten flour mix

- 10g of no -gluten baking powder

- 3 organic eggs or farm range eggs at room temperature

- Crack the nuts and set aside the nut kernels

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