FODMAP, the diet everyone is talking about

Regime Fodmap

The evil of the century? Bloating, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach aches at every turn. We should obviously favor small producers and organic markets… Except that we don't always have time.

Phew: Julie Delorme , dietician-nutritionist , has published a real bible of good products designed as a supermarket survival guide for shopping .

Why is it effective?

What are FODMAPs ? It is an English acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disccharide, Monosaccharide And Plyols . Basically: all these “ bad ” foods that we deal with on a daily basis and that inflame our digestive system.

A bible that replaces a real diet

Bloating , flatulence , nausea ... By following the guide, not only will hyper uncomfortable stomach aches disappear, but you lose weight permanently in 1 month. Because the diet low in FODMAP is essentially a diet low in wheat, rye, barley and lactose, without falling into extremes.

Its goal ? Limit foods high in sugar and bad fats contained in FODMAPs and therefore relieve the digestive system. In just a few weeks, you can immediately feel the benefits of this diet.

The question of bread with gluten

Pizza farines complètes à base de châtaigne, de riz ou de sarrasin

The digestive advice: for your digestive comfort, gluten should not be totally banned. As long as you do not exceed 100 g of white bread per day.

The right thing to do: prefer whole flours made from chestnuts , rice or buckwheat, which contain nutrients and fibers, and fill you up more quickly.

What good products to buy at the supermarket? The Bjorg organic grain 3-pave bread or the pre-cookedcountry baguette from Biofournil , the organic Carrefour ball , the gluten-free Gerblé corn and rice flour baguette .

For or against the sweet?

Eviter le sucre blanc et les aliments transformés

The digestible advice: clearly, the overconsumption of sugars is a poison for health that disrupts our intestinal flora , starting with white sugar , to be avoided or to be limited to the maximum with for example a maximum tablespoon of jam per meal .

Contrary to appearances, the ugly foods highest in FODMAPs include agave syrup, wheat and honey. But not all sugary foods are to be avoided , just limit the doses and avoid processed foods .

The right thing to do: focus on FODMAP friendly desserts like a peanut butter toast with banana slices, sprinkled with flax, squash or sunflower seeds. Julie Delorme delivers many low FODMAP recipes such as a delicious red fruit tart , pancakes or even this gourmet breakfast .

What good products to buy at the supermarket? Muesli Chocolate gluten and lactose garden BIO, peanut butter Léa Nature, dark chocolate rice cakes BIO Bjorg, gourmet sandwiches cocoa from Natines ...

The question of lactose

Limiter les quantités avec 2 produits laitiers par jour

The digestible advice: no need to deprive yourself of lactose but only to limit the quantities . For an adult, we recommend 2 dairy products per day , but no more.

The right thing to do: for lactose intolerant people lacking in calcium, choose almonds , waters rich in minerals such as Hepar , vegetable milks with rice or almonds and green leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach . All these foods fortified with calcium will provide you with the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your digestive system.

What good products to buy at the supermarket? Cheeses are generally low in lactose and therefore fully fit into the FODMAP diet . However, limit their consumption because of their high fat content . Prefer the Parmigiano Reggiano Casa Azzurra and the organic goat cheese log Soignon . For butter, opt for those reduced in lactose such as President organic butter and avoid margarines.

How to choose your proteins?

The digestible advice: no limitation in terms of meats, except for cold cuts which are very fatty and which can really aggravate intestinal problems .

The right thing to do : do not exceed 150 grams of cold cuts per week (2 slices of raw ham and 2 slices of white ham). The trick: to flavor a pan of vegetables, add strips of bacon and herbs .

What good products to buy at the supermarket? The frankfurters BIO Hello Nature, bacon pork smoked Fleury Michon, smoked bacon Herta or tender beef dried pad Aosta.

The grain issue

The digestible advice: when you suffer from stomach aches , white rice is the miracle food.

The good gesture: In general, when it comes to carbohydrates, opt for wholemeal pasta, black rice or wild rice as they contain more nutrients.

What good products to buy at the supermarket? Prefer penne rigate gluten Barilla, Thai Brown Rice Garden Organic. To avoid falling into boredom, mix your pasta with tuna , cooked vegetables or even eggs .

Which sauces to choose?

The digestible advice: opt for sauces containing as few additives as possible. Ideally, you make them yourself.

The right thing to do: for the most sensitive, limit strong and spicy spices, they are low in FODMAP but are rich in chemical compounds and can really disturb your digestive system.

What good products to buy at the supermarket? We recommend the Maggi heart of defatted poultry stock , the Organic Panzani Tomacouli , the Benedicta pepper sauce or the Suzi Wan low- salt soy sauce .

Livre de Julie Delorme

FODMAP diet: the supermarket buying guide , Julie Delorme, 19

Also discover: how to lose 3 kg forever and yoga on a Parisian rooftop .

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