Easy-going holiday feasts

Saveurs Et Fetes Epicerie Paris

“Can you bring the foie gras? Do you know a good truffle producer? By the way, I forgot tea, can you grab some while you are there?”. With just one phone call, your office Xmas party or your family dinner and up being a real treasure hunt around all of Paris. Total hassle.

This year, seven French houses, specializing in gastronomic trades,  have had the chic idea to gather inside an ephemeral grocery shop at the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, a skip and a hop from Café De Flore: Saveurs & Fêtes.

A single address where you can do all your shopping courses, needless to say, inestimable time saving.

There is Sturia for the caviar (€69 for the 30 g of vintage caviar), truffle cultivator Pebeyre and his black nuggets, (his truffle butter is a must), crab and seafood products by Nautilus (€14.89 for 150 g), foie gras from Maison Edouard Artzner, cèpes and other wild mushrooms from Borde, the snails of Romanzini (€8 for a box of 9) along with Pages teas and infusions.

This time, for sure you will be way ahead of the game!

Saveurs & Fêtes, from the 2nd to the 31st of December 2018.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7:30pm.

Also check out the new address of Maison Plisson.

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