Cleansing your face daily with a super gadget

Se Nettoyer Le Visage Matin Et Soir Avec Un Super Gadgetprinc

The basics of healthy skin? Cleansing, which entails a daily cleansing of your face, in the morning before putting on your make-up and in the evening before going to bed. No need to sigh, regularity will make the difference…Take example on Korean gals, who have found the trick to turn this obligation into a moment of pleasure: the konjac sponge. This funny rock-shaped object, made from the root of an Asian plant –hence natural– swells up and softens in contact with water.

Drop a dab of cleansing product on the sponge before using it to massage the face with circular movements. Fab, it grabs everything along the way without aggressing your skin. Tip top, the Franco-Korean brand Erborian offers 3 versions:  classic, matifying with bamboo charcoal and anti-oxidant with green tea.

Erborian, Konjac sponge, 9,50€.


Also discover the new successful healthy method

Where to find it?


43/45, avenue de l’Opéra

75002 Paris

01 42 33 35 64

Pyramides Pyramides

Quatre Septembre Quatre Septembre

Opera Opera

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