Maison Moët : an incredible champagne garden

Moet Jardin A Champagne

Impossible to imagine a more glamour hideaway to welcome an ephemeral champagne garden signed  Möet…. This new edition of the Maison Moët has taken over a former school transformed into  a co-working and is totally privatized for the occasion. Great news, the entrance is free for everyone..

The scenography will appeal to everyone. And with reason. In the courtyard is nestled a tropical garden with small urban vegetable gardens distilated by the startup Sous les Fraises…. The concept? Customize your cocktails or pool into a Moët Impérial of strawberries and other fruit or herbs to pick yourself (€13). Here, DIY and Made in Paris are in the spotlight.

To celebrate their “Grand Vintage” champagne, make a beeline for a 100% Cap Ferret atmosphere with oyster shacks and seafood stalls… For the occasion, Maison Moet has called upon the talented  Xavier Pincemin (ex-Top Chef 2016) to imagine seafood platters around lobster with all the claws to be enjoyed with a glass of Grand Vintage bubbles. Absolute luxury ( 25€ for the 3)

We adore : the photo-booth in collab with the  collective YA+K that plays with perspectives, holding a Mini-Moet bottle  (€15).

MAISON MOËT, 37 Avenue de Trudaine - Paris 9e

From Wednesday the 13th to Sunday the 17th of June 2018

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday : from 5:30pm to 10:30pm - Saturday : from noon to11pm - Dimanche : de 12h00 à 17h30.


Also discover Girafe, a terrace facing the Eiffel Tour.

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